What is an appmanifest file?

An appmanifest file will tell us exactly whether Steam has correctly downloaded and installed Train Simulator, and each of the add-ons you own. The appmanifest file is not the same as a purchase receipt and cannot confirm you purchased an add-on. It can only tell us whether the add-on is installed properly, hasn't been disabled and whether any content, you should own, is missing.

Please Note the appmanifest file only includes anonymous information about your Train Simulator installation and does not include any information that can be used to identify you.

How to find your appmanifest file:
  1. Load Steam and go to your Game Library.
  2. Locate the Game and right-click, select Manage and then Browse Local Files.
  3. A Windows Explorer window pops up, and you will need to drop back two levels (you can click the Steamapps word in the Explorer Address bar under the toolbar ribbon) to the Steamapps folder.
  4. Locate the relevant file as below and attach it to your next reply.

Train Sim World 4: appmanifest_2362300.acf
Train Sim World 3: appmanifest_1944790.acf
Train Sim World 2: appmanifest_1282590.acf
Train Sim World 2020: appmanifest_530070.acf
Train Simulator: appmanifest_24010.acf
Fishing Sim World Pro Tour: appmanifest_834280.acf
Bassmaster Fishing 2022: appmanifest_1449500.acf

Additional Information

If your problem is relating to a missing add-on in your Game Library, you may also be asked to provide us with your original purchase receipt which are always provided by Steam when you make a purchase. Unfortunately, we do need the full receipt to prove it's valid and we cannot accept receipts which have been modified to remove any personal information.