Product user manuals are provided with almost every Train Simulator Add-On. Not only is a link to the user manual provided on the product store page, they are downloaded automatically to your PC once you've made a purchase and can be accessed using the following steps:

Accessing a User Manual whilst in Train Simulator

  1. Click Settings, then Tools, then User Manuals.
  2. A Windows Explorer window will be opened at the correct location, simply locate the appropriate manual for the product.

Accessing a User Manual within Steam

  1. Go to your Games Library, locate and right-click on Train Simulator, select Manage then Browse Local Files.
  2. A Windows Explorer window will be opened displaying Train Simulator's system files and folders. Double-click the manuals folder and simply locate the appropriate manual for the product.

Accessing a User Manual from the Steam Store Product Page

  1. Scroll down and click View the Manual.